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lets get to the BASIC.

okay, pertama sekali. ni tutorial aku guna dalam internet.
and ini tutorial first aku guna.
and bagi aku pun senang jehh :D
takpehh, belum cuba belum tau. JOM !
lets start !


(gambar atas ni kesan apabila dah siap)
- effect ni sesuai untuk gambar permandangan. 

In this quick Photoshop tutorial. i'll teach you how to make right color correction on your photos.
In this tutorial I will be using this stock photo of people and snake. Firstly, you should find a nice stock photo to work with. As I mentioned above, I used a nice photo people and snake. Ok open this file and correct the image levels with Image > Adjustments > Levels:
* buka gambar yang nak diedit
* pergi  Image > Adjustments > Levels:

  * perbezaan graph bergantung kepada jenis gamba
* korang akan dapat gambar lebih kurang macam nihh

After that correct brightness and contrast using Image > Adjustments > Curves with similar settings to these:

* cuba main-main dengan graph tuhh. bagi warna sesuai.
So, the correction result must be next:(result nya macam nihh)

Now apply brightness and color correction again thru all channels using Image > Adjustments > Curves with similar settings to below:

lepas semua tuhh. koarng akan dapat gmbar macm nihh

* ok, dah nak habis dah ni

dapatlahh  macam nihh

Now get out the Eraser Tool and a soft round brush (Opacity: 50%, size of 45 pixels) and make a little clean work with this layer. Now we have a picture like this:
* ambil erase dalam (Opacity: 50%, size of 45 pixels), padam dekat object utama gambar

To finish off the color correction apply Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur:

* lepas tuhh gambar korang jadi macam nihh.

LAWA dah kan ? tunggu dulu. FINISHING step


* korang adjustadjust sikit bagi warna dia MANTAP. HAHA

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